
A customer writes from southeast Asia…

Hi Robert,

Just wanted to drop you a line to say hello. I hope all is well with you and your 2013 season for recumbents ended well.

B— and I are currently traveling through SE Asia on motorcycles. We are in central Laos right now heading south towards Cambodia. We’re expecting to be back in NYC at the end of the year as B— has teaching obligations for the first few months of 2014.

I’m thinking of continuing to take time off in early 2014 and have been considering a solo ride of the ACA Southern Tier route east to west in Feb/Mar 2014. Know anyone who has ridden the Southern Tier E to W? If I do this I’ll sure be glad I kept the grasshopper fx!


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Again, I think I have the world’s coolest customers.

Have fun and stay healthy,
Robert Matson
New York City Recumbent Supply
The Innovation Works, Inc.
copyright 2013 Robert Matson

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