“New York’s Coolest” write about their experience with New York City Recumbent Supply and some of our recumbent bikes and trikes.
Notes from our recumbent tricycle and bicycle customers, unedited (except some names changed to initials upon request).
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Subject: Re: Nov. 14 and 21?
From: SB <sh–e–@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
I am a full figured woman in my 50’s. For over 15 years, I tried to return to regular bike riding, but wound up in tears within a few blocks. My hips would just be screaming (drowning out the screaming in my lower back)! Everyone said, build up slowly, train, etc. but nothing worked. Robert was very patient in helping me to find a trike that would fit me (including cutting down the tube to make it just a bit smaller for me), my car and my apartment. I have not enjoyed a bike ride this much since I had a banana seat and streamers! Robert helped me see that I could do this and yesterday (after not riding all winter) I rode almost 4 miles…way more than I’ve ridden since my teen years. I’m well on my way to reaching my goals. The first goal is 12 miles to a local park and back. Next, a ride on the Cape Cod Rail Trail. After that, who knows? I might take a bike vacation! Thanks for all your help and patience and continued support via email and phone. Now I just have to convince a few friends to get trikes. Then some leather riding vests…old lady trike gang…it could happen.
Shari in Queens
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Subject: Bike race!
From: RB <r–b—-@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
The Gekko is incredibly well engineered and turns well. I really appreciate the thought that you put into the gearing system. Also, to get to the race would have been impossible with my previous trike. We are car-free. It was a simple matter to put the folded Gekko into the trunk of an Uber XL. I am also able to ride further with a smoother ride. I felt like the 5K was too short. In the Fall I am planning on a 10 mile race.
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On April 21, F-C- wrote:
When it arrived from Germany, Robert assembled and fully tested the bike before handing it over. As I started riding, over the next months, Robert was always available to answer questions by email or phone. Several times, I brought the bike in for a tuneup, or to add some component, like a rear rack, and I enjoyed watching Robert work on the bike and explain what he was doing. He’s a skilled bike mechanic and an expert on HP Velo and recumbent bikes in general. I’m really loving the Streetmachine, it’s a great bike.

My daughter recently decided she also wanted a recumbent (back problems run in the family). I found a good deal on a used Grasshopper Fx in Oregon. I contacted Robert for advice on packing the bike for shipment, and he phoned the HPV dealer in Portland to decide on the best packing option.
When the bike arrived, on a pallet, I took it to Robert who taught me how to fold and unfold it, shortened the boom and chain, fully adjusted it, and make sure it was in great working order before I delivered it to Katie in Massachusetts.

I can strongly recommend Robert and NYC recumbent supply as a recumbent bike dealer, expert mechanic and guru.
Frank C.
Pelham, NY
Ed note: RB, who writes a blog called Three Wheeled Librarian wrote this nice entry about the trike she bought from New York City Recumbent Supply in early Spring.
Ready to roll
Thursday was an amazing day for multiple reasons. Clearly, the weather was amazing. A gift of a Spring day before winter returned. I took delivery of a new tricycle on Thursday. I now have a HP Velotechnik FX 20 Gekko. I bought it from New York City Recumbent Supply. Thank you, thank you to Robert for his patience, while I worked through my process to get to this point.
Thursday was amazing. I rode a total of 8.6 miles, partly because my GPS malfunctioned at one point and I went round and round in circles. Very comfortable.
The best thing about the Gekko is that it’s housebroken. It folds. It is, right now, parked in a corner of my living room, not outside in the snow that has returned to haunt us. Where can I go to complain about it being really too cold to ride?

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On Feb 26, 2017, P-S- wrote:
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March, 2017: KS Just wrote me this morning:
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Subject: Scorpion repair
From: MT
To: “Robert Matson”
Hello D—, A—, and Robert,
I just want to thank you for 1) identifying the part and 2) getting it to me in time for my local bike shop to install for my trip.
When I purchased my Scorpion FS26 last year from Robert Matson of New York City Recumbent Supply, he boasted about HP Velotechnik, about the company’s attention to quality and detail; the precision of its technicians; and the responsive support should I need any.
He was right on all counts.
Together, you make a great team.
Happy trails,
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Subject: Testimonial
From: Kathleen C.
To: “Robert Matson”
Thank you! Made it home safely; got a good workout because the trike [HP Velotechnik Gekko fx custom] is wider than the MTA elevator doors, so it must be turned sideways and manhandled in. It did get easier the more elevators I used, though. And it unfolded very nicely for the ride to my building.
Looking forward to riding it!
– KC
(Sure. Just call me Kathleen C.; e-mail available on request to a prospective customer.)
…highly recommend you…
Have highly recommended you to someone in your area. R—L— and his father-in-law an…but still active. Judicial system, I think. Name?
My experience yesterday with you will remain with me for the rest of my life. It was a glorious day that totally changed my view of Brooklyn and of New Yorkers.
The recumbent [HP Velotechnik Scorpion fs 26] surpassed my already high expectations. I appreciate your work ethic and tone of your website, the quality of the company you have chosen to represent, your attention to detail which requires much patience, and obvious care. Am looking forward to doing business with you.
R– R–
Beach Haven, NJ
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Subject: Testimonial
From: Mark Teirstein
To: “Robert Matson”
So I’m hurtling down a narrow paved trail, a canopy of leaves overhead and trees flashing by in a blur, when I realized I should be wearing a helmet.
I certainly didn’t need one when I peacefully crossed the Hudson River via the Walkway over the Hudson, literally riding off into the sunset which beckoned at the west end of the bridge.
I’ve been riding 7 days a week thanks to Robert Matson, who put me in my HP Velotechnik Scorpion recumbent trike.
That’s THE Robert Matson, the nationally reknowned Brooklyn-based owner of The Innovation Works and New York City Recumbent Supply, who is a bike expert, terrific blogger, advocate, builder, and a rep specializing in recumbents, both 2-wheel and trike.
Robert answered my endless questions, set me up with a demo, did the fittings for my new trike, and accessorized it for my needs. He was patient with me as I eagerly awaited its arrival from Germany. And then he skillfully did the final build, and the final fitting. I’ve been pedaling away ever since.
I’ve been riding scenic smoothly paved rail trails (converted railroad routes that had to be mostly level for the trains). Also rode every day on a vacation week on an 18-mile long island. I’ve ridden it into town to get a haircut. I snuck onto a golf course after closing and rode the cart paths. I ride someplace different every day, even if it’s just going farther on a trail I’ve already been on.
Along the way, I’ve lost 40 pounds in four months. And I can’t get this damn grin off my face.
Happy trails,
Mark Teirstein
Mahopac, NY
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Subject: first 5k
From: S.A.
To: “Robert Matson”
Hello Robert,
I did my first 5K yesterday with the new bicycle.* I did it a little under 19 minutes. I’m sure it’s a little slow for a 5K, LOL. I just wanted to let you know that the bicycle was awesome and felt great.
Talk soon.
S. A.
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Subject: This recumbent life
From: J. E.
To: “Robert Matson”
Hello, Robert!
I just thought I’d drop you a note to say how much I’m enjoying my trike [an HP Velotechnik Gekko fx 20]. I’ve been a little tough on it when folding/unfolding, resulting in some scratches in the paint, but other then that it’s been great fun.
Thanks again for all your good teaching and service; I’ll keep you in mind when I have time to plan an adventure outing.
Hope you are well.
Best regards,
[J, May I post your note to my website? – R]
You surely may use my note, although it’s not very well written. Throw in there that it’s comfortable, fast and turns heads when I zip by!
Thanks again!
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(Check out this incredibly nice letter a customer wrote Maria Parker, CEO of Cruzbike.)
Subject: Cruzbike Representative ‘Kudos’
From: E—H—
To: “Robert Matson”
Dear Maria Parker:
Consider this note a digital ‘kudos’ to Robert Matson of New York City Recumbent Supply. Robert is an exceptional Cruzbike representative.
My partner, S—, is an avid cyclist who became interested in your bike roughly three years ago, when the standard riding position became too unbearable for him to continue riding his LeMond. We first contacted Robert in December of 2013. He kindly agreed to chat with us, in-person, and provided articulate, knowledgeable, and informative descriptions of technical details, as well as giving us a sense of what it’s like to ride a Cruzbike. We were impressed by not only what he knew, but his willingness to spend time with us. He clearly loves riding and is passionate about Cruzbike.
We met again December of 2014 for a demo-ride. He is a clear and patient teacher with a keen eye for necessary adjustments and tweaks of body position. And Robert went above-and-beyond in terms of time spent with S—.
Over the past couple of weeks, S—’s been emailing Robert with very detailed questions regarding equipment specifications and purchase; part of S—’s final decision-making process of whether or not to buy a Cruzbike. Robert responded immediately to all queries, with his usual detail and clarity. We eagerly await the arrival of a new Silvio.
All the Best,
E— H—
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Subject: My Cross Country Bicycle Trip
From: “Tom B___
To: “Robert Matson”
I wanted to send out a message to you for your guidance in helping me prepare for my cross country bicycle trip…which I finished about a month ago now. When I came out to see you…about 2.5 years ago, I hadn’t owned a bicycle since high school. I was then 49 years old… it had been a long time. As I planned my trip, I wasn’t tied to any particular bicycle and thought a lot about the type of bicycle I wanted to ride. I decided that riding that long distance on a diamond frame, on a small seat crammed up my but and staring at the ground wasn’t the posture I wanted. I also wasn’t in a race with anyone and my goal was to ride and appreciate the beautiful country as I peddled across it. I decided that I wanted to ride a recumbent, which I knew very little about. As a matter of fact, even just 2 years ago, there wasn’t much literature on them either. My daughter got your information for me at a bicycle event she attended in NYC. She also knew I was looking for a recumbent style bicycle and when she found you and your bicycles, she was excited to get me your contact information. I called and set an appointment with you and we spend a lot of time talking about how I was going to use the bike. We talked about what was important to me and considered a few options you had. You kept talking about the HP Velotechnik being the Mercedes of the recumbent bicycles. It’s actually the bike of choice for many national, international and world wide bicycle travelers. It’s durable aluminum frame, light(er) weight and plenty of paniers and storage space to accommodate such a trip was beautiful. Due to my error during my first week on the road, I slid off the shoulder of the road and fell down a rut going about 15 mph. I jacknife’d the bike and it flipped head over heals. Outside of a few scratches on the bike, it was perfect and I got up to ride as if nothing had just happened. It’s built like a tank.
It was extremely comfortable to ride. Spending all your time laying on your back, perched up so you can see the landscape as you peddle through different scenes and around new bends…while literally staring at the horizon was unbelievable. It kept me pedaling and wanting to see more. I was never exhausted and my body never ached. Unlike many of the friends I met along the way who suffered from saddle sores, put this sticky stuff on their butts to avoid chafing…. all issues I never had to even think about. No sores, no aches and a fantastic experience.
As you can imagine, we hit some pretty windy weather heading across Kansas, Colorado and the mid west. Since we were heading west, the winds were mostly out of the west and we battled the wind at our faces a lot of the time. The wind at your face is always a factor, but it wasn’t that bad for me. The posture I ride in on the recumbent makes me incredibly aerodynamic and the wind rode over me with significantly less drag compared to the diamond framed bikes, which acted like a parachute….or they had to squat down real low, stare at the road again to get through the rough parts. I really didn’t miss a beat and was present in my trip, enjoying the day and the ride all the way to the end.
The other thing I enjoyed about this bike was just how fast it was. This bike loves to roll down hills and on the flats. I would often have to put my brakes on and hold myself back while rolling down a hill if I was in conversation with someone else….or others would be peddling hard just to keep up with me as I coasted down hills. There is something else I noticed. I call it rolling stamina…. Even as we leveled out at the bottom of a hill…. My bike kept on rolling and slowing down on the flats much slower than any other bike. It would keep rolling and rolling. Often times, I would roll up a hill to the next down hill and laughed to myself while others would be pedaling to climb the next hill I just rolled up. I was asked several times if I had a motor on my bike…. and of course I didn’t.
I think I won over several people that were asking great questions about my bike and conceding they would look into a recumbent like mine. It was such a superior bike and made the trip so much more enjoyable for me. I was able to ride the entire Trans America Trail from start to finish without once stopping to rest or push up a hill. I did have to work a bit more climbing hills on a recumbent, but the low gear ratios helped out significantly and any time I lost during a climb, I more than made up for on the down hills or flats. To give you an idea, my cruise speed on a flat road, no wind was about 20-22 mph. This was cuising. Not pushing…. medium effort and enjoying my ride kind of effort. This bike is incredable. I max’d out at 53 MPH out east, in the blue ridge mountains. The bike wanted to go faster… and I would have let it if wasn’t for the switchback turns.
I had a blast and wanted to thank you for sharing your experience and knowledge with me. We picked the right bike and I’d never ride another bike. I’ve grown fond of my HP Velotechnik Street Machine.
Tom B—
Thanks again Robert.
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Subject: link/Cruzbike Quest
From: “OJG__
To: “Robert Matson”
Just wanted to thank you for the link to my story about learning to ride a bent. It’s bringing in several visitors a month. I know that doesn’t sound like much, but every visitor is of value.
Also wanted to let you know that I’ve been riding more than ever and enjoying it more than ever. Interesting too is that I started with the seat back in the upright most position. A few of months later I moved it to the middle position. This summer I moved it back to the third hole. We’ve gotten a new bike rack that the bikes’ tires cradle into, and a bracket holds the frames. Much easier to secure. Still can’t ride hands-free, but I’m slowing working on it.
Hope all’s well with you.
o r i g i n a l f i n e a r t
o r i g i n a l h o m e a u d i o
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Subject: Cruzbike
From: “JM___
To: “Robert Matson”
Thanks for resending me the coupon code! I just finished putting the order through to Cruzbike for the pre-built Silvio (around 3:24pm central time).
I appreciate you running down answers to those last couple of questions. And for taking the time to answer all of the other questions; not to mention the extra time spent in New York letting me practice and test out the Cruzbikes. I’ve been dallying around the idea of switching to recumbent bikes for about three years now. I used to ride around 150 to 200 miles per week, until my neck and arms began to feel bothersome. I’ve wanted to get back outside and get moving again but I always felt skeptical about the recumbent riding positions and it’s difficult to find people who carry these bikes, and who can speak to their attributes. The visits to your shop helped me understand how the bikes worked and get over that mental hurdle to make the change.
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Subject: A Thank You…
From: “H—
To: “Robert Matson”
Consider this email a digital “thank you” card. We have been considering the purchase of a Cruzbike for years; and, as you know, this is not a purchase made lightly. But thanks to your detailed engagement – both in-person contact and email communication – we are ready to make the leap. Looking forward to those final notes regarding inventory & shipping and, then, clicking “submit order.”
All the Best,
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Subject: on-line review
From: “O__ G___
To: “Robert Matson”
[Ed. note: this customer wrote an extended review of his experience testing, buying and learning to ride a Cruzbike Quest. I’ve reprinted only an excerpt here, but it’s a useful review for those who want to weed out the real-life experiences of Cruzbike riders from the hype.]
“….I made an appointment with Robert (NYC Recumbent Supply, link below) for a lesson. He starts me out on a Cruzbike Quest, one of those MBB bikes. Mind you, I was prepared for a challenge. I’d read about the learning curve, and was ready for some difficulty. An hour and a half later, white knuckled, the beginnings of blisters on my hands from a death grip on the handlebars, and buzzing on adrenaline from 90 minutes of “OMG doesn’t riding a bike since you were six years old count for anything?” and I’m still riding on the edge between control and wipeout. I felt like a beginner. But you can’t really fall on a recumbent. When you lose your balance the leg on the side your falling towards instinctively goes out to catch yourself. I lost my balance many times, only at low speed, never crashed. During the lesson Robert also let me try a conventional rear wheel drive bent….”
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Subject: happy with the quest
From: “M__ M___
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Hi Robert,
I wanted to thank you again and let you know I’m enjoying the quest a lot, riding several hours every day.
I drilled some extra holes in the seat to move it all the way back to extend my legs more.
Then used 5 layers of inner tube to make a pair of shims to raise the front edge of the seat. Used longer bolts.
This loses the front-most seat support but the back edge of the seat can, if it needs to, rest on the frame (with one layer of inner tube wrapped around the frame)
It leaves only 3 inches of insertion for the back support post (supposed to be 4), but since I don’t carry more that a few pounds in the back, and it is ok to carry 50 lbs on a rear rack, I figure it is strong enough. It feels secure.
For more weight I would use underseat bags.
Marathon plus tires.
Spank Spike platform pedals are great! Starting is much easier and sneakers are not dislodged by bounces.
Steering is becoming steady and I’m leaning back further. Still use my arms to put extra pressure on the pedals.
It will take a while to build up new leg muscles – noticeably different from upright bike muscles.
I hope you enjoy the summer!
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Subject: the new bike is safely home . . .
From: “L— P—” <ldp—@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday. I did get the new Grasshopper fx home on the Bolt Bus. They have a good bike transport policy and space enough for a bike in a separate area from the crunch of suitcases and duffel bags that I usually see.I will probably use Bolt Bus to bring the bike back up to NY for the 5BBT in May – unless my wife comes with me (she prefers Amtrak).The attached picture shows the bike with the Axion handlebar bags that I have adapted to work as mini-panniers on the Grasshopper. This arrangement should be sufficient for most 1-day or less tours. Still looking at options for the front and back lights (so many choices, so little time).I want to thank you for the great customer service that was present all through my purchase of the bike: I never felt rushed or pressured, and you have always been responsive to my (many) questions on outfitting the bike.I am looking forward to registering in January for the NYC 5 Boro Bike Tour, and to the training between now and May to get myself and the new bike in the best shape for the Tour. Maybe I ‘ll see a few other recumbent riders at the Tour as well!Take care,
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Subject: Thank you
From: “M— A—” <ma—@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Dear Robert,
I wanted to thank you for the time, effort, and patience you extended me during my demo ride. Minutes after meeting… I was learning the basics of front wheel drive handling. Riding in the park gave me ample opportunity to try out the speed and handling characteristics of the Quest. Later I had my first remote mechanic face time call as you helped me with some assembly questions. So despite three back fusions, I am once again speeding down my local bike trail.
Many thanks,
M— Anderson, MD
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Subject: HPVelotechnic
From: “tom b___” <s____@k__.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
I wanted to send you a quick update. I’m riding my Street Machine about 4 days a week at this point and finding myself getting faster and stronger as the weeks fly by. I’ve put on about 300 miles so far and the bike is such a pleasure to ride. I’d be interested in doing an over night trip soon….so if you know of any that I should be considering, let me know. I love the bike and look forward to my x-country trip in May 2015! Thanks for your all you did and do!
Tom B____
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Short note on a Post-It(R), attached to a check.
Great working with you Robert!!
– J
(attorney, real estate financer)
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Short note on a Post-It(R), attached to a check.
Thanks for your help with my new bike, Robert! Looking forward to a few trips with you!
– Tom
(real estate investor)
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Subject: Re: interesting article on winter riding
From: “allan press” <g___7@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Last summer, I decided I wanted to pick up a recumbent for medical reasons. I had two knee surgeries and was told that riding a standard bicycle was no longer a good idea. I was told that a recumbent would be better for my knees. As I knew nothing about ‘bents, I had to start from scratch. After doing some research on the web and making a few calls, I had pretty much decided on a trike. Since I live in a SMALL apartment, I decided to go for the folding HP Velo trike. HP Velo told me there was a dealer near me and pointed me to NY City Recumbent Supply and Robert Matson.
I contacted Robert and discussed my issues, that I planned to ride to and from Brooklyn to NYC for work as well as recreational riding and, through his knowledge of all things recumbent, found out that a trike might not be the best thing for me. First off, I didn’t have any balance issues that would keep me from riding a standard bike. And secondly, a trike is wider than a standard bike and may give me problems with the barriers put up on NY City bridge bike/ped paths. I ended up deciding on a Grasshopper.
Next came the test drive. After a quick tutorial on the basics of the bike it was time to try to get moving. I had ridden an EZ Racer ‘bent the summer prior, but it was a long wheel base and more of a chopper style. The Grasshopper was DEFINITELY a different beast all together. Robert was VERY patient and coached me so that within a few minutes, I was up and running (although still a little wobbly!). We hit the road and did a test ride.
Robert answered every question I threw at him (and there were plenty). With his help and knowledge, he was able to guide me to the right options for what I needed. He was incredibly professional as well as being a great guy to talk to. He didn’t make me feel like I was bothering him when I called him up with any additional questions or to just check on the delivery/build times. Even after delivery, if I called, he was patient and always willing to help.
When I am making a purchase of this size, I don’t take it lightly and will definitely not put up with a salesman who is pushy or does not make me feel at ease. Robert is a professional all around. He put me at ease and was able to assure me that I was making the right decision without trying to “up sell” me to make more money. As a matter of fact, I have gone back to him on multiple occasions to purchase additional items for the bike!
I can not recommend NY City Recumbent Supply and Robert enough. If you are in the market for a recumbent and are in the Northeast, you will not go wrong by dealing with either!
Allan Press
(executive, finance)
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Subject: Re: from liz ryan cruzbike
From: “Elizabeth R___” <e____@optonline.net>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Hi Robert,
The answer is yes to using my letter on your website….I’m flattered. Just wanted to add the extra below for you to use in any way you want. I rode the bike paths of Martha’s Vineyard this weekend with sharp turns…..I’m ready. many thanks for all the info.
Hi Robert,
I am one of your successful students…..the first day after bringing my CB home I was all two on the pedals, then day four I am riding a half mile…now i am nonstop uphills, turning corners but not ready for the open road….can’t do straight lines.
It isn’t everyone who could demo a bike on the streets of Crown Heights, Brooklyn and make it safe, enjoyable with the spirit of “i can do this”….
Thanks for your patient demo of the CB. I found once I put my mind on steering with the pedals I released my death grip and the ride was much smoother.
Please tell me how to release the dual quick release on the steering column, this might have been set too tight. It is even difficult for my husband.
Also the manual states the CB might need a servicing to tighten the control cables after the initial break in period….would you recommend a local bike shop do this.
Thanks a bunch
Liz R__
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Re: GHfx
From: “Mike O’Neil” <c___m__@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Finally getting to that review. I’ve also started a new tanning trend, the Recumbent Tan. You get burnt in the front but are totally pale on the back.
“Robert is definitely the perfect guy to deal with if you’re looking for a recumbent bike. Not only did he have the exact bike I was looking for but his enthusiasm for the bikes leaves you with more knowledge and information that you ever thought you’d need. Very helpful and genuinely wants you to enjoy your ride. It’s a great comfort knowing that Robert is the man around town to deal with these bikes because I plan on sticking with them for a long time.”
Now to install these clips pedals. Wish me luck not killing myself heh.
(computer game developer)
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Subject: Thanks
From: “George Poole” <g__p___@att.net>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Hello, Robert.
I apologize for the tardy reply.
Thanks for the PDF version of the SRAM DualDrive 3-speed rear hub manual. It’ll give me the info necessary to diagnose/adjust/fix (I hope!) the unit on my Scorpion fs – if it should become balky, or otherwise misbehave.
Thanks, too, for being a knowledgeable, patient, and detail-oriented guy – a fitting agent to represent the precision German HPV machines you sell. I thoroughly enjoyed my March trike demo ride with you in Prospect Park. That ride, coupled with your experienced, unrushed counsel, convinced me to purchase a trike from you.
Please know that I’m loving my new, flaming orange HPV Scorpion fs. Most all is well with it so far. What’s not? Its 69 year-old powerplant!
I’ve passed your business card, together with my recommendation, to a few curious bikers met on my three-wheeled outings. Maybe they’ll contact you…
Best regards,
George Poole
(engineer, retired)
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Subject: Re: Success!
From: “D____ S___” <d___@earthlink.net>
To: “Robert Matson”
Sounds good. Will put check in the mail Monday…am having a fantastic time with
the trike. Thanks.
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Subject: HP Velotechnik Scorpion fx
From: christopher cc” <christo__@_____.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
Robert, I want to tell you how enjoyable it is working with you. You’re professionalism and attention to your customers’ needs are matched by your encyclopaedic knowledge and sense of humor. Thanks for helping to make this enormous decision go as painlessly as it has.
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Subject: actually..this one is great. can I use it?
From: “tomd___@aol.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
> Hi Tom,
> You sent me this note when you sent me your check. Can I use it on my website?
>> “Hello Robert:
>> I hope this was a relatively trouble-free deal for you. I am fortunate to have encountered you.
>> Tom D.”
Sure. However, you should know by now that I long for the Dickensian world in which writers get paid by the word. I would like to say a lot more and will be pleased to do so. This is your call all the way.
– TD
(NYCity exec., retired)
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Subject: the photo that you took of me
From: “Michael Killfoile” <m____@hotmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
Thank you for all your help and support with chosing the bicycle. I feel that I am beginning a new adventure.
Here is a photo to include if you put something about me on your web page. Its me, the proud owner of a new Street Machine.
Thank you for everything.
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Subject: review…
From: “Lauren C___ ” <lauren.c____@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
I would not have purchased a recumbent bike from anyone other than Robert Matson. When I took one of his demo bikes out for a test drive, Robert did not leave me to my own devices. Instead, Robert guided me through a series of safe exercises to help me feel comfortable and gain confidence. More specifically, Robert taught me how to make wide turns, sharp turns and how to angle my feet to avoid hyper-extending my legs so that when it came time to ride my new recumbent home I would feel like a pro. Overall, I appreciated Robert’s knowledge of recumbents as well as his attentiveness to my many questions.
Have a great night,
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Subject: Update
From: “Mona Freedman” <k___2@comcast.net>
To: “Robert Matson”

Dear Robert,
Just a quick note to tell you how much fun I am having. Buying the Volae was the best decision I have made with regard to my biking. I am only tooling around my neighborhood so far, but I was on the bike for an hour and 40 minutes; I am u-turning like a champ and going up small inclines with no problems whatsoever. I will be on the bike lanes in no time. I’ll send photos whenever I can get my husband out with the camera while I am riding. Thanks for all your all your help.
Cherry Hill, NJ
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Subject: Second Update
From: “Mona Freedman” <k___2@comcast.net>
To: “Robert Matson”
Dear Robert,
I just wanted to update you on my progress; one month and 178 miles later, the Volae Century is even more fun to ride. I am now doing my regular road rides and I am even discovering places I have never ridden to before. I have been able to ride about 4 days per week and I plan to ride all winter. I find the wind doesn’t bother me on the recumbent. I really appreciate the time and expertise you shared with me. I tell everyone who asks, how great you are to deal with!
Thanks again for everything, especially coaching me to be able to ride this bike. As I told you earlier, it’s the best decision I have ever made with regard to my biking.
Sent from my iPad
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Subject: Hp Velotechnik Streetmachine GTE
From: “Kim Wasserman” <k____@y____.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
Hi Robert,
It’s been several months since I purchased my Street Machine GTE from your company. If you recall, I picked up the recumbent with an injured knee. The knee healed and the snows arrived; along with tax season. Finally, this past month I have been out on the road with my GTE.
It is a fantastic bike! Having ridden a short-wheel based, above seat steering, lightweight recumbent for over 10 years; I can only say that the GTE blows it away. The quality speaks for itself. The trouble-free assembly speaks for your talents. I would recommend the bike in a heartbeat. The below seat steering took a few rides to get comfortable with but once I did, it provided a stability that my previous bike never achieved. The additional 6 pounds has had no impact on my ability to get up the hills of LI. The upgrades (disc brakes and bar-end shifts with drive train) put this bike in dream bike status. I would be happy to share my experiences about this recumbent or your shop with any potential buyers should they be needed. Enjoy your summer!
Kim Wasserman
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Subject: Recumbent Bike Winter Sale (but first this news)
From: “D___ P____” <____@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
Hey Robert,
Just looking over past emails and noticed this and then I also remembered that I never wrote you that testimonial. I know it’s long over due, but here it is:
I few weeks before I came to Robert, I was online looking for a way to relieve herniated disc pain while cycling. I read something in a forum about recumbent bikes relieving lower back pain and decided to follow up on it. Found NYCrecumbentsupply and within days set up an appointment. Robert set me up with a few bikes before we settled on the Street Machine. The whole process took hours and hours. I was extremely happy with the way Robert didn’t rush me and tried to, not just sell me a bike, but make sure that everything fit and I was happy with what I got.
Robert’s level of expertise and professionalism were beyond my expectations. The degree of care he put in to making sure that I got the right bike was unbelievable. I’m very happy with the Street Machine and even more happy that I get to enjoy cycling again.
Thanks for everything Robert,
D____ P____
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From: “arnold t” <___@hotmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson (NYCRS/TIW)”
Subject: RE: Scorpion fs
I just wanted to extended my sincere appreciation for your expertise, patience, and level of service. It is wonderful to see such a personal level given to customers in order to qualify choosing the right recumbent. I couldn’t be happier with my decision to purchase the HP Velotechnik Scorpion FS. I am looking forward to meeting up in future rides. I will strongly recommend folks to talk to you if they are interested in recumbents, and I am sure there will be many..this thing is certainly a head turner. Again, thank you so much for everything.
All the best,
Arnold T.
(engineer, entrepreneur)
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Subject: One Testimonial coming right up–
From: “Malcolm S.” <M___@s****ne.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
I’m the kind of guy that likes to do a ton of research before I buy anything. I usually end up reading endless reviews of whatever it is I’m about to purchase before I’ll make a choice.
But every once in a while, I connect with someone who’s level of expertise is so unequivocally high that with one conversation, all my urge to research my purchase is satisfied and I now know exactly what I want and I’m ready to buy.
Robert Matson, when it comes to recumbents, is just that kind of expert. Robert listened to my needs in a bike then quickly zeroed in on exactly which one would be best for my situation. But far from being a hard sell, he ended up directing me to a bike shop closer to where I live [Portland, OR] so I could get it serviced locally! After giving me a full education on recumbents, he passed the sale on to a colleague!
Robert makes me miss living in NY where people just tell you exactly what they know and help you out as best they can and where they treat you the way they would want to get treated!
Thanks, Robert,
Malcolm S.
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Subject: My review for your web site.
From: k____@aol.com
To: Robert Matson

Hello Robert,
I just wanted you and others to know what a positive experience I’ve had with you during the course of buying my new Rans V-Rex.
Robert is 1st class in customer service and knowledge of not only recumbents but cycling over all. He’s also a 1st class mechanic and will leave you with a bicycle ready to go. Just a week or so after purchasing my V-Rex from Robert at NYC Recumbent Supply, I went on my first tour. (The farm Ride) It was a blast. The V-Rex performed flawlessly.
I have never ridden more than about 5 miles on a bicycle at one time. I took on the challenge of the 66 mile route (which turned out to be about 75 miles) and I completed it without any pain whatsoever to my lower back, neck, arms or wrists. I could have used a new pair of legs after the tour but that’s because I know to better prepare physically for it next time. I was so comfortable on the ride thanks to my V-Rex. I love, love, love the bike. I just can’t stop riding it. I ride it in my sleep : ).
Most of all it’s meeting Robert Matson of NYC Recumbent supply that has been one of the best experiences ever. He’s become more like a friend I’ve know for years rather then a regular sales person. No pressure to buy. He answers question after question (and I can be a pain when it come to questions) without hesitation. He responds to e-mails with an abundance of information regarding a question I may have asked.
Robert is a wonderful person in general and it reflects in the way he interacts with his customers. Anyone considering a recumbent bike, and wants the best experience in helping them decide whether a recumbent is for them, can’t go wrong in looking Robert up.
It’s a pleasure to do business with you Robert and I can’t thank you enough for your patience and overwhelming customer service you’ve provided and continue to provide to all of us looking to explore the wonderful world of recumbent cycling. You are the BEST!! : )
– Lieut. Joseph (Eddie) Acevedo
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From: “raymond higgins”
To: “Robert Matson (NYCRS/TIW)”
Hey Robert,
Thanks for setting up the bike [Volae Urban Century] for me. I really appreciate your attention to detail as I am sure all of your customers do. Took her out for her maiden voyage and rode about 17 miles, to Sag Harbor and back. It was a bit windy but a pleasure to ride.
Thanks again,
Ray Higgins
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Subject: Re: HP Velotechnik
From: “M___ N___”
To: “Robert Matson (NYCRS/TIW)”
I couldn’t be more satisfied with the test rides and other information you gave me on the two recumbents I test rode. Riding for several miles with the bikes sized perfectly with the handlebar configuration and pedals I wanted allowed me a feel for the bikes that would never have been possible at any other bike shop. Most of all, you knew I was noncommittal about replacing the old recumbent I have at home, and didn’t go for the hard sell. The experience I got from riding the bikes and the expertise you gave me was well worth the cost.
– Michael N.
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Subject: Having a great time
From: “MF&Ph J.”
To: “Robert Matson”
Dear Robert,
Thank you for your recent e-mail forwarded to me by F____. I looked up Easy Street’s website and am going to order the pedal extenders that might be a quick fix. We have been biking on the roads around Woodstock for the last few days [on our V-Rexes], enjoying the weather, getting used to the bikes and exercising some underused muscles in the process.
Tackling steep uphills can still be a challenge but flat portions of road are a breeze and downhills give us a sense of flying. Altogether having a great time cycling. I have moved my seat-back two notches further down and found this arrangement gave me more power and relieved my waist area that felt a bit cramped in the initial, more upright position.
The bikes attract a lot of attention and many questions each time we go out biking. I have already referred a few people to Rans’ website so they could find your address, and from now on will carry your telephone number in my bag.
Thank you again for being so generous with your time and attention.
All the best.
Philippe J.
(Diplomat, retired)
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From: “t__ c_____” <t__c___@____.com>
To: Robert Matson
Robert-I want to thank you for your patient instruction today. I think I am going to enjoy my [V-Rex] recumbent very much. I rode for a bit after I got home and was able to make all but one hill (missed a shift). I do think, though, that I am going to have serious problems walking tomorrow.
> Serious problems walking is how you know you’re having fun, Tim. 🙂 – RM
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Subject: Re: 2nd Ride Followup
From: “Joe….” <j_____@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <RMatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Just following up after our lesson ride [on a Cruzbike]:I completed the bike assembly last Tuesday evening, then rode it home from the shop in Soho using the bike path to Battery Park on Saturday. Actually, I walked the bike until I got to the Hudson River Greenway just to play it safe. When I did attempt to ride it was as if I just came off the ride with you in Prospect Park, no issues at all. It goes without saying that I could not have done it without the lesson, especially all the time you put in.I think your 2-hour ride idea is necessary; it seemed like the first 45 minutes or so are spent just getting the new rider over the hump of learning a new skill, while the second hour is positive reinforcement that allows the new rider to return to the bike at a later date confident about their skills.Thank you again for your help.
Have a fun Thanksgiving!
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Subject: Testimonial-let me know if this OK
From: “James L____” <james________@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <RMatson@theinnovationworks.com>
My experience with Robert Matson-I bought my Quest Cruzbike after visiting Robert in Brooklyn. The money spent for training with Robert (rebated if you buy a bike) was money well spent. I have extensive experience bike riding and recumbent riding, but the CruzBike was something new to learn.
Cruzbike takes time to get real comfortable with and get the bike totally dialed in. Plan on 90 days and then try your old bike-I will not go back. I now ride almost a 100 miles a week commuting to work
1. Very knowledgeable
2. Good teacher
3. Pleasant to work with
4. Excellent follow up to questions, concerns, etc (even before I bought
the bike)
(still trying to think of one)
Chicopee, MA
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Re: query [about an HP Velotechnik Gekko]
From: “J___ D___” <m–s–@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Thanks,… I would never have notices those two plastic hooks.
By the way, the ride, speed, and handling are superior to the ICE Explorer
in this urban milieu. Perhaps in a more sylvan atmosphere the heaviness of
the Explorer might have some advantage, but not here.
And as I just got a [blanked out] dollar raise, I will be buying a Scorpion FS 26
from you come next year. Thank you for selling such a fine product.
> No problem, J.
> May I reprint your note on my website? (I could leave out the specifics
> about your raise.)
> All best,
> Robert
Yeah sure,.. actually, even before I bought the Gekko whenever anybody
asked me where to get a trike I always let then know about you and how to
find you. Now I have even better reason to recommend you.
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Subject: Re: Sat. AM?
From: “m____” <m____@ptd.net>
To: rmatson@theinnovationworks.com
Just wanted to say thanks for everything you did for the bike [Hase Pino] and taking the time to fit Sara properly on Saturday! We went for our first true bike ride yesterday on a trail close to our house and everything was awesome…she loved it. It’s a great feeling when she is telling me to “race Michael” or is yelling in her little voice, “woo-hoo!”.
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Subject: thank you for all your help
From: “Andrea Kannapell” <__atky@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
Hi Robert.
I have thought long and hard about the beautiful recumbents, and have decided not to buy one for now. You were so kind and informative, so I want to explain why.
First,…. [confidential]
Second,…. [confidential]
I really enjoyed meeting you and learning to ride the recumbent, and feel my $100 fee was well worth the experience.
Thanks so much,
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Subject: Re: Feedback
From: IE___@aol.com
To: rmatson@theinnovationworks.com
…At any rate – at the risk of repeating myself – I want to thank you again for your helpfulness and careful attention to the requirements of both bike and rider.
I’ll update you in time as I progress.
Best wishes,
(entrepreneur, retired)
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Subject: Re: HP Velotechnik / Grasshopper fx
From: “matthieu dehaene” <m____@yahoo.fr>
To: “Robert Matson” <rmatson@theinnovationworks.com>
hey robert thanks for all your help the other week, new york is great but you were definitely a big high light of the trip sharing all those bikes with us. i have not made any decisions yet, but have a great time hiking and a good rest of the summer, sincerely matthieu
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Subject: Pedal switch and other stuff…
From: “Wylie G___” <Wylie_g@_____.net>
To: “Robert Matson”
Hey Robert,
I bought the new pedals and was wondering if I could schedule another paid session w/you to put them on and also walk me through a tire change. You know I sadly lost my iPhone from our last session and all the video I’d shot of you taking down the handlebars et. al. is now gone… I may unfortunately need a refresher on that, too, and understand I’d need to pay. I just feel safer going through this stuff with you first before taking the bike apart on my own at home and then not being able to put it back together!
The good news is that I just came back from a solo 4-day trip through NJ and PA and had an AWESOME time! Learned a lot and the bike did great. I think I want to put pipe foam around the handlebars and headset b.c. occasionally I’d knock into them or something and have bruises around my knees now. Also curious if you have the correct panniers for Volae (the ones that hang low in center) that I might test out to see how much of a difference it makes going up hills having weight there vs. back rack. I don’t want to put out that money unless absolutely necessary and was thinking maybe there’s a way to jerryrig my Ortliebs with a special strap so they could just hang that way?
There were definitely some high hills where I just had to walk the bike, there was no pedalling up, but I’m curious if a weight change placement might have made a difference. Still want to do this trip w/only two panniers, not more, b.c. it’s still a lot to carry and be responsible for with just two bags.
Some things that worked well though: hanging my camelback around one of the handlebars for drinking and driving and attaching map plastic case to handlebars turned to the side so out of viewing.
I wish they made a small case that could hang between your knees around that front vertical tube going to handlebars so that you could, like, store a camera in there for easy access, etc. I often had to stop if I wanted to take a photo, etc. to head around to the back of the bike where I had a small hip bag on the top of the rack.
Have you seen anything like that?
Anyway, your bike was a big hit everywhere I went and I may have steered a new sale your way through an older couple I met in Princeton who were quite interested in it!
Thanks so much for turning me into a recumbent rider. I’m a total convert!
Wylie G., PhD
a.k.a. CouchSurfing Cook
READ @ http://www.couchsurfingcook.com
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FOLLOW on Twitter @ couchsurfngcook
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Subject: HP Velotechnik
From: “Peter D_______” <pjd_____@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
So I made it back.. perfect directions, except I ended up getting confused and taking the Manhattan bridge… Brooklyn streets were a little hairy but path around Manhattan was great…went right around battery park and
crossed back to Central Park at 106th. very smooth ride…legs were sore but nothing else… not bad for 20 some miles.
I have been doing lots of biking since, very comfortably doing about 50% longer on flat stretches (the hills are still a killer) than I had on the regular bike. I work in Bucks county PA and this week discovered the delaware river trail which is very nice, and hope to do a section of the delaware and raritan canal next week (PS it starts at Princeton Junction, about 50 minutes from Penn station on NJ transit)
So remember the open invitation to bike in the beautiful Brandywine valley!
All the best…Peter
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Subject: Note of thanks
From: “STEPHEN K____” <steve_k___@g–w–.k12.ct.us>
To: “Robert Matson”
A note of thanks for your great customer service. Having never ridden a recumbent, you patiently taught me how to get started and stopped without falling off the bike. You were willing to spend time explaining the intricacies of the Velotechnic and Volae bikes along with their idiosyncrasies. Ultimately, I purchased a used Volae Tour but, will certainly turn toward your experience and advice for upgrades and maintenance. I would most certainly refer my friends to you after I convince them to give up their road bikes and join the “bent” bicycle society!
Steve K____
Technology Education
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Subject: Pics of SMGTe on Car
From: tm____@aol.com
To: “Robert Matson”

Robert –
I’ve had a lot of fun with the bike over this beautiful weekend – gone about 15 miles each day, including this morning. I’ll definitely do the 40 mile ride that I was considering for this coming weekend – I rode part of it on Saturday and felt
full confident on the bike … the mirrors make a big difference since it isn’t as easy to ‘turn around” on the recumbent. Thanks again for all of your advice in configuring things … I don’t think I’d do it any differently!
Attached are the pics of the bike on the car. My kids spend about 3 hours on saturday mornings at a kind of extra-school thing about 15 miles from home, and I drove there with the bike on the rack so I could go for a ride. You’ll see the pic that we took with it on the rack in brooklyn, with the seat, and then one I did at home without the seat. I found that I needed the seat off to accomplish the most interesting picture … the SMGTe as one of FOUR bikes on the rack. I think that this was only do-able because my kids bikes are small (16 inch wheels), and that once they move the bigger bikes I’ll need to take everyone’s wheels and pedals off but it should still work. The recumbent’s handlebars are the biggest problem. I also attached a pic of how I attached it to the rack … with the seat off and needing to fit all 4 bikes, the center of gravity is WAY off and it was stressing that rubber safety belt. I used some sailing line that’s meant for heavy loads and tied it with a square knot (gets tighter as pressure is appplied but still easy to untie), so that it was that line rather thant he rubber belt was taking the weight.
I smudged out my license plate number in case you want to send the pics to customers who ask whether the bike can go on a rack. I can’t endorse that the method is for every rack, car, or person, but it worked for me! Also, my wife’s car – the MDX – is particularly wide. If I try to put it on my car, which is small, I may want to angle it differently so that it doesn’t “stick out”….
Let me know when the parts come … talk to you soon.
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Subject: Gekko FX
From: “Ken Fisher” <k____@gmail.com
To: “Robert Matson”
“Robert is knowledgeable and was thorough in answering my questions and making sure I was comfortable both in my selection and in using my trike.
As an aging urban boomer, a folding, recumbent trike was just the solution to my cycling needs.”
– KF
(attorney, politician)
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Subject: Gekko FX
From: b______@hotmail.com
To: “Robert Matson”
Robert —
Thanks very much for your help in ordering and putting together my new gekko fx. Your advice was spot on and was invaluable in helping me make the proper choices in terms of options and configuration. And then your hard work in making sure the bike was ready to go once it came in as well as properly tested (even finding and adjusting to a problem with a manufacturers spec) was exemplary.
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Subject: Re: testimonial?
From: “D. Combs” <d___c___@gmail.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
Robert was very thorough when I bought my bicycle. We discussed the brand of bicycle, he made sure I’d adapted to it well, and he assembled it when it arrived at his shop. Robert has also helped with selecting and installing parts. Owning a recumbent is not only possible, but easy, with Robert’s help.
– D. Combs
(technical writer)
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Subject: Gekko fx, testimonial
From: “Greg G.” <G___@oldskooltrack.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
It’s fantastic to have a local NYC recumbent dealer. There are ways to buy new and sometimes used as well. I can test the bike and ride it home instead of renting a van and spending the weekend driving back and forth!
Robert is knowledgeable, passionate, painstaking, patient, and honest as the day is long. He’s a good listener too, soaking up details about my tendonitis, knee surgery and other biomechanical issues.
I purchased an HP Velotechnik Gekko from him, and he pointed out how it is a newer model for the German domestic market, with a few better details that are unpublished.
Robert lives it. He really knows the brands he carries (and many others besides). He’s got a huge fund of general recumbent lore at his command as well.
What I like best about dealing with Robert is this – not only does he go all out to help you, but he gives you the straight scoop. In the hours of talking about recumbents, I never once felt I was getting sales spiel. I’m now considering a RANS or Volae, and would buy from him with peace of mind.
– Greg G.
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Subject: Volae Team – Testimonial
From: “Jim L. ” <L_______@optonline.net>
To: “Robert Matson”
I bought the Volae Team for speed, and yes, this is the fastest I have ever gone on a bike — and far more comfortable than my normal bike with a suspension system. There is no going back.
On a round trip I clocked 1/2 mph faster than I have ever gone on a normal bike on the same route in gentle rolling hills. And there is probably another 1/2 mph to come when I get my recumbent legs (learn to emphasize different muscles). And I am 15-20% faster down gentle hills.
Buy from Robert Matson. Volae makes it easy enough to buy a bicycle and some accessories online, but you will not configure something good. How are you going to mount a water bottle? Which accessories do you really want, not having tried any of them? What seat pack is compatible with a tailsok? Tailsok? The death-wish Volae website does not even mention a tailsok, but without one you will be 1 mph slower on the flats. And if you are between seat sizes like me, Robert will have you try both seats, so you don’t get the uncomfortable one.
Robert is both a good talker and a great listener. You will think that configuring a bike just right for you is the most important thing in his life, and in that time and space I think it really is.
Jim L.
(computer scientist, retired)
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From: Raymond Ehrlich
To: Robert Matson
Sent: Fri, Jun 11, 2010 11:33 am
Subject: HPV / dust seal
I had never been on a recumbent bicycle but thought that one would eliminate the neck and elbow pain that I got from a regular bike. After some preliminary research it became clear that there are lots of “bents” out there but few places to test ride them. Robert Matson was able to help me sort through the confusion about which type of bike to consider and what features I needed to focus on. He has been absolutely thorough in his explanations about the qualities of each bike and why one was better than another. In most cases Robert answered my [e-mail] questions within a few hours.
When I came for my test ride, Robert provided enough instruction so that I was able to handle my first ride with confidence.
I did buy a bike from Robert and it came with 2 small imperfections. He immediately remedied the problems by contacting the company and getting the 2 replacement parts. In the meantime the bike has been wonderful and as hoped I have had no pain at all. I love the new bike and expect it to be my “wheels’ for many years to come…….
Seth Ehrlich
(teacher, retired)
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Subject: Re: Testimonial
From: “D___ Cohen”
To: “Robert Matson”
Recumbents bikes are truly a fun and exciting way to cycle. However, in a world designed around diamond frame (upright) bikes, recumbents face some basic challenges. Robert Matson of NYC Recumbent Supply will help you navigate these challenges so you can focus on riding your recumbent (and having fun). Robert carefully listens to your needs, and then will help you choose the right bike or gear. In the rare case where Robert doesn’t have an immediate answer, he will go out of his way to research the best solution, and in some cases even form new business relationships to get the answers and gear you need.
The time and effort Robert puts into helping you will be immediately apparent from the very first moment you contact him till long after you are up and riding. If you live in the New York City area, and are considering a recumbent bicycle, do not hesitate to contact Robert Matson–you will not be disappointed.
If you are lucky enough, Robert will even give you a tofutti ice cream sandwich — or even better you can envy Robert as he enjoys 6 of them. :p
– D. Cohen
(computer scientist)
[Hey, that was my mid-ride lunch! Isn’t that allowed?! – RM]
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Subject: Glad to hear you got home safely 🙂
From: F___ S___” <fs___@mac.com>
To: “Robert Matson”
No problem. We had a great time [on the Screamer TR]. We ended up in a busy part of Brooklyn with many red lights and stop and goes. Then toward the end pushed up a steep hill on the West Side toward 79th St from the river side. So we tried a variety of terrains. Good experience for a couple of starters. Maybe it was the trainer’s effectiveness :).
Again thank you very much. We do very much appreciate your professionalism and dedication to you’re customers. I now need to focus on the NYC Half-Marathon this Sunday. Have a good weekend and talk to you soon.
– FS
(executive, finance)
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Subject: Been very happy with the recumbent
From: “Kwan C_”
To: “Robert Matson (NYCRS/TIW)”
Hi Robert,
I just wanted to let you know that I have been very happy with the HP Velotechnik StreetMachine Gte purchased from you a few months back. It has completely renewed my interest in cycling. All the reasons that I used to hate riding on an upright have disappeared and I love how the recumbent allows me to ride much longer distances than I was ever been capable of.
Please also let your website readers know that your guidance at the beginning made my decision to purchase a world of difference. From the wealth of information on every aspect of recumbent bicycles to the personal care and guidance throughout the demo ride, brought a breath of fresh air to the bicycle purchasing experience.
Considering that I came in lower than the StreetMachine’s lowest fit requirement. The non-trivial modification to fit me properly was done with care and on a timeline that was quite impressive. Something that might not been accommodated in a non-boutique operation.
I will definitely recommend you to any of my friends and family if the itch to ride a recumbent ever gets unbearable to them. I have the utmost confident in your professionalism; that they will be treated with great care.
I’m planning to ride at many places with the StreetMachine, please see attached picture of the recumbent racked on my truck.
Brooklyn NY
(executive, finance)
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From: “K___ S____”
To: “Robert Matson”
The Innovation Works was a very pleasant surprise for me. From the first time I started reading about recumbents and trying to figure out manufacturers, bikes and dealers, I quickly realized that most of the options for trying the bikes were at least 50-200 miles or more from New York City…. It was quick to hook up with Robert Matson and try a beautiful V-Rex, in my old beautiful neighborhood, Prospect Park. Robert is a triathlete, and enthusiastic about making the correct brand choice, models, fit, city-friendliness and purpose of the bikes.
My first step was learning to ride a recumbent in traffic-free Prospect Park. I quickly had a smile on my face after so many years of riding upright bikes, to enjoy these beautiful designs that really should be replacing even the racing circuit in my opinion.
Robert was meticulous with the fit and adjustments, and I felt safe at all times that he was paying close attention. Just to satisfy my curiosity later I did make a long trip and try a Bacchetta dealer (who was also a wonderful person) and preferred the RANS (V-Rex in my case) and purchased through the Innovation Works. It also gave me confidence that if I got nervous about my Upper West Side bike shop touching a recumbent, I knew I could just go to Brooklyn to get full service.
We made long deliberations on to go with standard or XL sizes for better fit for me, and bike arrived and was assembled in a very efficient manner by a great mechanic. It was pure joy to take it for a first spin together with Robert.
At no point during these exchanges did I feel like I was being pressured by a bicycle salesman in the store trying to sell me what’s in stock; it felt like I had known Robert as a friend all along and he was just giving me expert caring advice.
– K.S.
(videographer, filmmaker)
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