
Adventures: Cruzbike Bike Camping in Nederland, CO

“When the official email invitation arrived not too long after that conversation, I felt the reality of my inexperience a bit more keenly. I had, in fact, never been on an overnight bicycle camping trip. Nor had I logged anything but asphalt miles on my Cruzbike. This would take some preparation and would be an adventure, as any totally new undertaking is bound to be.

“Good thing this is Cruzbike and I knew exactly who to turn to for advice (and pep talks). First, my mom, Maria Parker, the reigning queen of Cruzbike adventures. She confirmed the worthiness of the undertaking and said she was jealous, that it would be a great time and that YES either of my Cruzbikes would be up for the challenge. Pep talk, check. Next up was a call with Robert Matson of NYC Recumbent Supply. Robert is the guy to talk to if you like the sound of words like expedition, adventure, fun and outdoors and want to know more about how to make all of them possible in your life. He talked me through what to carry and how to carry it. He gave me some great tips including: how much weight I should aim to carry (no more than 20 pounds), to pack early and go for a test ride (felt great), to use Ziplock plastic bags for things like toothpaste and sunscreen to save space and weight (brilliant!), to make sure that shelter and repair kit essentials were covered within the group…. (more)